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Highland Community College Foundation

Your support means everything.

Highland is more than a community college… It’s a college community, fueled by the passion and commitment of students, staff, and supporters.

We’re proud to be a place of possibility for every member of our community… but we couldn’t do it without your action and advocacy.

Thank you for backing the Highland home team.

Learn more about how your gifts are being used to impact Highland students (PDF). [PDF, 169.71 KB]

Download the Legacy Campaign Brochure (PDF) here. [PDF, 3.35 MB]

Photo of Building M

Highland Community College has always been a place of connections, thanks to the persistent effort and support of the entire College community.

The Legacy Campaign is committed to raising $4 million to fund high-priority efforts to expand HCC’s reach, and to ensure that, now and in the future, “It’s all here” at Highland. Help us stay on the cutting edge!

It’s all here… and it’s all up to you.

Your support helps HCC…

  • Continue to provide a confident, versatile, and exceptional student experience.
  • Fund efforts to enhance student engagement.
  • Explore and expand workforce opportunities by connecting with business and community partners.
  • Bolster the experience for student-athletes and increase participation.
  • Evolve essential academic programs and partnerships.

Freeport first

Established in 1962, the HCC Foundation was the first college foundation in Illinois… and just the second nationwide. Next year, the pioneering Foundation will celebrate its 60th birthday!

Access is everything.

Since its inception, the HCC Foundation has awarded more than $8 million in scholarships to Highland students.

Amy Baker

“There are so many great things going on here… It’s just a lot of fun to be involved in that.”

Amy Baker
President & CEO, Citizens State Bank; Highland Community College graduate

Marjorie Phillips

“It’s just a community filled with wonderful things and wonderful people… How else can you say? It is all here!”

Marjorie Phillips
HCC Foundation board member; Recipient, Delbert Scheider Lifetime Achievement Award

Elizabeth Priller

“Because of the generosity of other people, I was able to fulfill my dreams, [and] then in turn, feed into others.”

Elizabeth Priller
Nursing instructor, Highland Community College graduate

We’re counting on our community.

Make a mark… leave a legacy… and uplift a community. The Highland Community College Foundation depends on your donations.

Support the Legacy Campaign today!