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First Steps to Service

Students with disabilities become connected to Disability Services for many reasons. The most common reason is to put into place accommodations to reduce barriers that students are encountering or to provide access to the educational environment which are otherwise inaccessible. Through becoming connected, students are able to access the variety of resources available specifically for students with disabilities.

At Disability Services, we invite you to a Welcome Session through which you will be able to identify the most useful resources specifically for you. To schedule a Welcome Session, contact Disability Services. The staff at Disability Services works with the campus community to reduce barriers whenever possible. Accommodations are sometimes necessary when barriers cannot be removed in any other way. During a Welcome Session, students will be able to discuss with the Coordinator examples of barriers that they are encountering as well as examples of accommodations that have been employed in the past.

It is often useful for students to bring documentation with them to the Welcome Session, or to turn in documentation prior to attending it. Documentation typically contains information such as the student’s diagnosis, who made the diagnosis, along with when, where, and how the diagnosis was made, as well as any historical information about how the diagnosis or disability has limited the student in daily life activities, including learning.