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Students in need of transportation to campus have options for a small fee. Punch cards are available for purchase in the bookstore, students can use Pell funds to get a card.

Pretzel City Area Transit will take students to and from campus for $3 each way within Freeport. View Pretzel City Area Transit’s hours, scheduling, and more.

Carroll County Transit offers students more destinations but the ride must begin or end in Carroll County. For $2 one way and $1 per stop, students can ride with a reservation. To learn more about Carroll County Transit’s hours, reservations, and service area.

Jo Daviess County Transit will bring students to and from Highland’s campus for $1 per one-way ride. Passengers can call 815-777-8088 at least 24 hours in advance, Monday-Friday to schedule a ride between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.