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Royal Scots

The Royal Scots performing on stage [JPG, 42.94 KB]

The Royal Scots are the Highland College Vocal Jazz Ensemble. The group of 10 singers, plus rhythm section, perform a wide variety of styles and challenging arrangements ranging from jazz standards and Broadway Show tunes to songs from the Great American Songbook and contemporary pop selections.

Known as Highland’s “musical ambassadors”, the Royal Scots tour extensively and have participated in numerous jazz festivals including; the New York Voices Vocal Jazz Festival, Western Michigan University Vocal Jazz Festival, the Milliken University Vocal Jazz Festival and the SWCC Vocal Jazz Festival. They’ve performed in Carnegie Hall and Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City and in 2007 they were recognized as the Outstanding Collegiate Vocal Jazz Ensemble at the NYC Vocal Jazz Festival.

For information on auditions, or to discuss booking the Royal Scots for community events contact music instructor Randy Haldeman – 815-599-3568.