In exchange for support from Highland Community College, the VFW in Savanna gave a $500 donation to the CNC Program at Highland as a thank you for Aaron Sargent’s assistance with a project for the Veteran’s Memorial in Savanna.
In the fall, Larry Melass of the Savanna VFW approached Aaron Sargent, Industrial Manufacturing instructor at Highland Community College, to help with fundraising efforts for a Veteran’s Memorial near the Dale Gardner Veterans Memorial Bridge. Sargent generated a 3-dimensional drawing of the proposed memorial site.
“In return for the drawing, the Savanna VFW made a generous donation to our CNC and CAD programs,” explained Sargent, Industrial Manufacturing Instructor. “We saw the work as community outreach, never expecting payment. We were just happy to help in any way we could. The generous donation will go toward purchasing new inspection equipment in our CNC lab.”
Photo: (left to Right) Paul Mayer (Savanna VFW), Scott Anderson (Vice President of Business, Technology, and Community Programs at Highland), Aaron Sargent (Industrial Manufacturing Instructor at Highland), Larry Melaas (Retired Army Corp of Engineers) and Mike Raleigh (VFW Commander in Savanna).