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Service Awards

HR Cougar Corner

Highland Community College believes it is important to acknowledge and recognize employees for their years of valuable service. As a mark of recognition, full-time employees who have been at HCC five years or more receive a service award commemorating their years of service to the college. A service award is presented upon completion of five years of service and every five years thereafter.

A couple changes have been made to the service award process. Starting in FY22, rather than receiving the monetary award at Opening Days, employees will receive the award on the pay check in which the service anniversary falls. Human Resources will notify employees and their respective supervisors prior to the anniversary date.

During Opening Days in January of each year, employees who have had their 5-year anniversary during the previous calendar year will be recognized. Full-time employees will be highlighted. Part-time employees are included in the listing. Any employee who retired during the previous calendar year and celebrated a 5-year anniversary will be invited to attend the recognition portion of Opening Days.