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Emergency Medical Services

Prepare for a Rewarding Career

As a first responder you use your cool nature, take-charge attitude and training to save lives. At HCC you will learn life-saving medical skills, critical paramedic clinical decision-making, and patient care protocols necessary to make life-and-death decisions in the field. As a graduate, you’re ready to pass your state certification exam and begin an exciting and rewarding career in emergency medical services.

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Dr. Stephanie Eymann, DNP, RN, Dean of Nursing and Allied Health, 815-599-3439

HCC partners with SwedishAmerican Hospital EMS System and OSF Northern Region
EMS to offer proficiency credit towards paramedic courses.

SwedishAmerican Hospital EMS System
4120 Charles Street, Rockford, IL 61108
Phone: 779-696-6082
FAX: 815-391-8116

OSF Northern Region EMS
5510 E. State St. Rockford, IL 61108
Phone: 815-395-4901
Fax: 815-395-4623
Contact: Lisa Kirane, Paramedic Education Program Director –