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Family Advantage Health Plan (FAHP)

As you may recall, Highland Community College rolled out a new program this past summer called the Family Advantage Health Plan (FAHP), which is a program that can provide you and your family with a substantial reimbursement incentive to enroll in other health care coverage available to you, such as through a spouse. This is to remind you that you are allowed to drop Highland’s health coverage any time throughout the year and enroll in the Family Advantage Health Plan to coincide with your spouse’s open enrollment period (many employers host open enrollment in the fall for a January 1st effective date).

Additional details / reminders:
The FAHP will pay you $50 per family member per month to enroll on your spouse’s coverage AND will reimburse 100% of your deductible, out-of-pocket, copay and coinsurance costs.
To be eligible, you must be enrolled on Highland’s health plan for at least 12 months and have access to other employer-sponsored coverage, such as through a spouse.
It’s easy to enroll – see HR for an enrollment form
For a refresher on the program and how it works, visit:

If you have questions, please contact Karen Brown.