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Well onTarget

All members of Highland’s health plan have access to Well onTarget through BSBCIL. The Well onTarget member portal includes self-management programs, health and wellness content, tools and trackers, coaching, and a health assessment. The Blue Points Program offers incentives to add points that can be redeemed for healthy goods and services such as a Fitbit, golf club, air fryer, insulated bottle, or music. Points do not expire.

To access Well onTarget, log in to Blue Access for Members (BAM). If this is your first time logging in, you need to register your account. Once you are logged in to BAM, click the “Wellness” tab at the top, then click on the “Visit Well onTarget” button in the Well onTarget tile. It will take you to the Well onTarget portal. 

Wellness on the Go
The AlwaysOn mobile app gives you easy access to Well onTarget. With it, you can work on your health and fitness goals anytime, from anywhere, using your smartphone. Visit the Apple or Google store to download.