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Health & Safety


Highland Community College (HCC) recognizes the responsibility of maintaining a drug-free, safe educational environment conducive to academic achievement and student growth. HCC students, employees, and visitors are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which serves credit to themselves, the College and the community. College employees or students who violate local, state or federal laws on campus or at off-campus College-sponsored activities will be subject to legal sanctions and considered for disciplinary action by the College as outlined in the personnel manual for employees and the college catalog for students and campus visitors.

Campus Physical Plant

The Physical Plant Maintenance and/or sheriff’s deputy staff patrol the campus to assure a high level of physical security. They routinely inspect campus facilities for potential safety problems such as defective lighting, inoperative doors or locks, broken sidewalks, steps, handrails and any other conditions which might compromise the personal safety of individuals on campus. Persons identifying such conditions can report the situation, in writing, to the Physical Plant Maintenance Staff for correction or call 815-599-3502.

After-Hours Building Entry

All employees issued a building key who desire to enter a campus building after hours should contact the Physical Plant Maintenance staff at 815-599-3451, or in person, for their own safety. Persons requesting access to a building after hours but not having a key to do so will be required to show two forms of identification and state their reason for requesting admission.

HCC Reports

Annual Security Report [PDF, 480 KB] [PDF, 475.63 KB]

[PDF, 261.70 KB]Campus Emergency Guide [PDF, 300.07 KB]

Partners in Safe, Drug-Free Campus Community [PDF, 243.66 KB]

Student Right to Know page