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Home School FAQs

Is the GED required?
Highland does not require home school students to have a GED. A transcript that verifies the student has met graduation requirements is required.

Does our student need to take the HCC Placement Test?
Yes, all students who are first-time, full-time students or those wanting to take Math, English, and business courses need to take the placement test. Students who have taken the ACT test and obtained a score of 20 or higher in reading, 22 or higher in English, 23 or higher in math or 11 or higher in geometry sub test may be exempt from one or more sections of the placement test. ACT scores should be submitted before taking the placement test.

If your student takes a course at HCC, will it transfer?
Yes, as long as the class is not a developmental course designed to help students achieve an appropriate level of academic preparation. We stress that students should work closely with an academic advisor throughout their Highland experience. This will help guarantee a successful transfer.

Are there additional requirements for home schoolers?
No. We have the same forms and requirements for all new first-time, full-time students.

What kind of a transcript does HCC require?
We accept home school transcripts from parents that have assigned courses, grades and credits and have appropriate documentation for high school graduation requirements. The transcript should be organized in a common form which indicates appropriate courses that meet requirements for high school graduation in their state of residence. The appropriate signature must be included on the transcript. See a sample home school transcript [PDF, 63.65 KB].

How do we get started in dual enrollment?
Getting started in a dual enrollment course is a little different than enrolling as a full-time student. You will not need to submit a transcript. You will decide if your student is ready for college-level instruction. We only require that your child be at least 16 years old and qualify according to or placement test or the ACT.