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Clarence Mitchell Library holds One Book One Highland program

Clarence Mitchell Library

Highland Community College’s Clarence Mitchell Library will hold a One Book One Highland campus reading program this fall. Copies of the book, “What the Fact: Finding the Truth in All the Noise” by Dr. Seema Yasmin, will be available at the library for all students, and employees beginning on Aug. 16. The community is welcome to check out a book, ebook or audio version.

“What the Fact” addresses how our brains process information, the challenges of mis and disinformation, understanding bias (our own and bias in information sources), algorithmic manipulation of news and social media feeds, and more.

“In our current information environment, we’re constantly challenged with sorting out what’s fact and fiction. Reading and discussing ‘What the Fact’ provides opportunities for campus conversations around this critical topic,” said Laura Watson, Reference Librarian.

From the publisher’s description of the book:

What is a fact? What are reliable sources? What is news? What is fake news? How can anyone make sense of it anymore? As conspiracy theories and online hoaxes increasingly become a part of the national discourse and “truth” itself is being questioned, it has never been more vital to build the discernment necessary to tell fact from fiction, and media literacy has never been more vital.

Book discussions and related events will be free and open to the public. There will be both Zoom™ and on-campus options. For event details visit