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Congressman LaHood visits Highland Community College

Congressman Lahood Visit

FREEPORT — Monday morning, Jan. 27, Congressman Darin LaHood (IL-16) stopped by Highland Community College for an inside look at how the college is preparing students for future success.

Highland President Chris Kuberski took the congressman on a tour of the Freeport campus where they discussed the challenges and innovations that accompany an evolving educational landscape.

“We welcomed the opportunity to show Rep. LaHood how Highland Community College is serving rural communities while meeting the needs of a diverse student population through a wide range of degree and certificate programs,” said Kuberski.

LaHood visited the remodeled Welcome Center, where he met members of the Highland Student Senate. Kuberski and LaHood discussed Highland’s expanding ag program, and they also toured athletic, manufacturing and nursing facilities. The tour ended with a glimpse inside Highland’s new mobile medical unit.

“Community colleges are critical to creating a strong workforce, especially in fields like manufacturing and nursing,” said LaHood. “It was great to be on campus today with President Kuberski to learn more about their programs and how they’ve been working to expand their presence in the region. I appreciate President Kuberski and the faculty’s investment in their students and the college.”