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Dinosaur Dig: Field Geology and Paleontology — Summer 2017

This trip will allow you to partake in a dinosaur dig as well as visit Arches National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  The “Dinosaur Dig” will be at the Hanksville/Burpee dinosaur quarry near Hanksville, Utah.  Opened by Burpee Museum staff and volunteers in 2008, this quarry has yielded Sauropod, Allosaurus, and other dinosaur bones. Get more information here.

Dinosaur bones ready to be jacketed and removed from the rock

[JPG, 2.32 MB] Dinosaur bones ready to be jacketed and removed from the rock.






















Course Information:

Field Geology and Paleontology  GEOL 205  2 credits 

Summer pre-session, 2017  Instructor:  Steve Simpson

For this course, you will receive 2 credits, one lab and one lecture.  The lecture portion will cover basics of dinosaur paleontology as well as the geology of the field area.

Lecture:  Three class sessions, 7:00 to 8:50 p.m. on May 23, 25, and June 6, with some  additional online content

Field:  Leave Friday, May 26 and return Sunday, June 4.

Cost: Registration for 2-credit class, plus a $350.00 lab fee and $225.00 to the Burpee museum.  Campground (with showers and laundry) charges $12.00 per tent per night.  Campground fees and food are on your own.  Motel rooms are available for those with more money and less tolerance of rustic conditions – but reserve early!

For more information, contact Steve Simpson at  or 815-599-3474. 



2998 W. Pearl City Road
Freeport, IL 61032-9341

Fax 815-235-6130