As an early registration incentive, any student enrolling in one of the select courses below from May 8 to June 30 will receive a tuition waiver for one credit hour ($141 value) for any portion of fall 2017 tuition not covered by financial aid. This incentive must be used for the fall 2017 semester. Students may register for up to 6 of these classes and receive the waiver for each course.
ACCT 105 Elements of Accounting
ART 115 Two-dimensional Design
Art 117 Pottery I
Art 118 Graphic Design I
Art 211 Painting I
AUTB 191 Introduction to Auto Body
CHEM 221 Organic Chemistry I
GEOL 126 Geology
GERM 151 Elementary German I
HIST 299 Topics in History – The Sixties (1960-1974, U.S.)
HIST 299 Topic in History – Introduction to Museum Studies
INFT 282 A+ Certification
EQUI 117 Equine Physiology
EQUI 145 Stable Management I
ELET 179 Electronics Principles
ECE 121 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
INFT 190 Principles of Computer Science I
ITHC 201 Medical Coding
HOSP 101 Introduction to Hospitality
HOSP 103 Front Desk Management (Held at East Dubuque High School)
MATH 265 Differential Equations
MCOM 110 Introduction to Mass Communication
MCOM 120 Introduction to Video Production – Field
MCOM 125 Introduction to Video Production — Multi Camera
MUS 150 Fundamentals of Music
MUS 153 Introduction to Audio Production
MUS 157 Class Guitar I
MUS 160 Musicianship for the Elementary Teacher
MUS 177 Class Piano I
MUS 181 Orchestra
PHYS 145 General Physics III
PHYS 246 Introduction to Circuit Analysis
SOCI 171 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 274 The Family
SPAN 155 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I
2998 W. Pearl City Road
Freeport, IL 61032-9341
Fax 815-235-6130