The Highland Community College Clarence Mitchell Library is hosting a Black History Month program on Feb. 19 at 2 p.m. The library is located in the Marvin-Burt Liberal Arts Center, 2nd floor, at Highland Community College, 2998 W. Pearl City Rd., Freeport, Ill.
A Freeport native and living History presenter, Steven A. Cole speaks about the Anti-slavery Movement and the Civil War in the persona of Frederick Douglass. The Clarence Mitchell Library presentation focuses on Douglass’ 1863 answer to the question, “Why Should a Colored Man Enlist?”
In April 1863, Frederick Douglass was repeatedly asked this question while he was raising men for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment. Douglass’ answer to the question reflects his feelings on citizenship, duty, equal rights, self-preservation, patriotism and the preservation of the black man’s rightful place in the history of the United States.
Cole’s program will include an excerpted speech, question and answer period. The event is free and open to all audiences. For more information, contact Laura Watson at 815-599-3456 or