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Highland Community College honors GED® completers with Recognition Ceremony

Highland Community College’s 47th annual General Education Development (GED®) Recognition Ceremony, to honor the 2019 completers was on Wednesday, November 20 in the Community Service Center on the Highland campus.

The fifteen students who completed the requirements for the GED® certificate as part of Highland’s Adult Education program were invited, along with their friends and families, to participate in the celebration of the accomplishment.

HCC’s Director of Adult Education Mark Jansen gave the welcome and bestowed the certificates to the completers.

“Individuals without a high school diploma or GED® are more likely to be unemployed or underemployed, working two or more jobs to make ends meet,” said Jansen. “However, by obtaining their GED® and enrolling in career and certificate programs, they can gain the skills, experience, and confidence to open doors to a brighter future.”

Completers for 2019 are: Samantha Rose Anderson (Pecatonica); Bryce Edward Ball (Apple River); Destiny Nicole Boland (Freeport); Emily Ruth Grinnell (Freeport); Cameron Christian Hamilton (Forreston); Toby Michael Lameyer (Ridott); Drew Michael Rogers (Freeport); Sheila Lorraine Wagner (Freeport); Jacob Robert Wendling (Pearl City), and Kelly Sue Zimmerman (Freeport).

Staff and instructors of the Adult Education program were also on hand to help facilitate the event.

The GED® classes are 100 percent state and federally grant-funded. Highland provides the infrastructure for the classes since 1964.

For additional information about Highland Community College’s GED® program, call Adult Education at 815-599-3460 or visit