The Highland Community College Fine Arts department will present a choral program on Sunday, March 31, at 3 p.m. in the Fine Arts Theatre in Ferguson Fine Arts Center, 2998 W. Pearl City Rd., Freeport, Ill.
The Highland Chamber Singers, under the direction of Jeff DeLay, and the Highland Chorale directed by Heidi Spotts-Manthey, will each perform a variety of choral literature. The Highland Youth Choir, under the direction of Dagny Brandt, will also perform.
The Chamber Singers will feature a variety of songs with the music of George Gershwin, George Frideric Handel, a gospel number, Irish folksong, and a contemporary art music selection by Gwyneth Walker titled “The Tree of Peace.”
The Highland Chorale will perform “Fanfare and Gloria,” “May the Road Rise to Meet You,” “This is My Fathers World,” and “Swingin’ with the Saints (gospel). The Highland Youth Choir will perform “Jubilate Deo” by Mary Lynn Lightfoot; “Easter Bunnies, Bonnets, and Baskets Medley”; “A Brand New Song” by Karl Hitzemann; “Listen to the Rain” by Stephen L. Lawrence; “Rock-A My Soul,” with arrangement by Paul Jennings, and “Just Be Happy” by Pinkzebra.
The concert is free and open to the public.