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Highland Gallery announces a call for entries for first exhibit of Spring 2018 academic semester

Highland Community College has a call for entries for the 49th District Juried Art Exhibit, to be held February 15 – March 8, 2018.

This exhibition is designed to recognize local artists in the Freeport district, and to celebrate their visual contribution to the community. Submission of works of art are open to all artists, 18 years of age and older residing in the Highland Community College district, as well as all currently enrolled HCC students.

Open to original two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art in any medium completed in the last two years and not previously exhibited in Highland Gallery. Two-dimensional work may not exceed five (5) feet in any dimension. Work does not have to be framed, but must be suitably wired and ready for hanging. All mounting and/or matting must be done in white or off-white materials only. Due to space limitations, three-dimensional works must not exceed 100 pounds, and must be able to fit through a standard doorway entrance.

Artists may submit up to three (3) separate works of art with a nonrefundable fee of $3 per work.  Entry form and entrance fee are due upon delivery of work. Delivery of work, entry form and fee are due on Thursday, February 1, 2018, Highland Gallery, located in the west wing of the Ferguson Fine Arts Center.

This is a juried exhibition, and as such, all submissions will be viewed and accepted or rejected into the exhibit based on meeting the following criteria outlined in the exhibition prospectus: Eligibility, Rules of Entry, and Limitations. Additionally, submitted work will be accepted or rejected based on overall visual excellence determined by components such as; compositional resolve, concept, content, and manipulation of media.

Submissions are composed of the actual work of art and supporting identification of work properly documented in the prospectus entry form.  Officially accepted submissions will then be viewed to determine award placement. This will be done in two phases:

Phase I: Acceptance and Non-acceptance

Each submission, including documentation provided on the entry form, will be reviewed to ensure compliance with exhibition rules and overall excellence. Officially accepted work, as identified by the Juror(s) and Gallery Director, becomes an official part of the exhibition. Non-accepted work, as identified by the Juror(s) and Gallery Director, is omitted from the exhibition.

Phase II deals: Award Placement

Officially accepted work is viewed a second time to determine award standings.  A selection of awards, including nut not limited to Best of Show, First, Second, and Third place, as well as Honorable Mention are determined at the discretion of the juror based on overall excellence. Best of Show, First, Second, and Third place all carry a cash award, in part based on fees generated from the exhibition submissions.

Artists will be notified of non-accepted work by email, and also notified if they received an award placing. An Opening Reception and Award Ceremony will take place on Thursday, February 15, 2018; 4:30-6:00 p.m. with awards announced at 5:30 p.m.


More Information in Printable Format  [PDF] (pdf)

Entry Form in Printable Format [PDF]  (pdf)

For additional information contact Highland Gallery at or Bill Buehler, fine arts department assistant: 815.599.3490.



2998 W. Pearl City Road
Freeport, IL 61032-9341

Fax 815-235-6130