Highland Community College programs have wish lists to be able to grow classroom instruction for the students. The nursing program at HCC is no different, and through a generous donation of a new hospital bed and simulation mannequin from the Area Health Education Center (AHEC) in Illinois, the nursing program is able to offer more hands-on patient learning for students.
On Tuesday, Oct. 20, Teresa Strum, director of the Northwest Illinois AHEC, and Melissa Rockwood, coordinator, delivered a new hospital bed and a simulation mannequin to Highland campus.
Strum contacted Jennifer Grobe, Ph.D., RN, CNE, Associated Dean of Nursing and Allied Health at Highland, to see if there was a need for nursing students. AHEC received grant funding from the State of Illinois for the area. Strum needed to spend the grant money locally to benefit students in the area
“At the college, we keep a running wish list of items on hand and what we would like for our students,” Dr. Grobe said. “I was able to get a quote together quickly for a simulation mannequin and hospital bed to add to our simulation lab. The equipment will be utilized by nursing, medical assisting and basic nursing assistant students. We are thankful for a terrific partnership between AHEC and Highland Community College.”
Strum adds, “This is a grant to support diverse health options and challenges in our region. This is a way to support students in their education and educate great nurses for our community.”
For more information on Highland’s nursing program, visit highland.edu.
Photo: (left to right) Melissa Rockwood, Jen Grobe, Teresa Strum, Mary Engelkens of Rock City, and Kaylee Blocker of Davis