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Highland offers Spanish for Health Care Professionals class

Picture of Highland Building

Highland Community College is holding a three-credit class on Spanish for Health Care Professionals from Aug. 17 to Dec. 11, from 5 to 6:15 p.m. on Tuesdays (in person) and Thursdays (virtual) at 2998 W. Pearl City Rd., Freeport, Ill. No prior knowledge of Spanish is needed.

This course is designed for health care workers who need to communicate effectively with Spanish-speaking patients and families with intensive practice with Spanish vocabulary, interviews and specialized basic medical terminology used in the medical field.

Whether a student or already a health care provider in the field, this class is designed to be better prepared for patient care. The course is taught by a native Spanish speaking instructor at HCC, who will also provide cross-cultural training. This is a great way to overcome basic linguistic barriers and gain an appreciation for the Hispanic culture that will help build a positive relationship with the patient.

To learn more about the course, email Register at