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Documentation varies for many reasons, though typically includes the following information:

  • A diagnosis, made by an appropriate, qualified professional, who has signed off on the paperwork;
  • The history of impact of disability; and
  • Information that details and supports how the disability impacts one or more daily life activities for the student, including learning.

Any documentation provided by a student seeking resources will remain confidential and will not be released without specific consent from the student. Documentation received by Disability Services does not become a part of the student’s permanent record at Highland Community College. Occasionally, additional documentation is needed and the following provides more detail of what may be requested.

Learning Disability, ADHD, and Traumatic Brain Injury

As the nature of these diagnoses may change over time, recent documentation is preferred. It is most helpful when documentation includes the names of tests administered and test scores, recommendations (based on the diagnostic evaluation results) for specific learning strategies and academic support services, and any prescribed medication or other suggested resources.

Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Documentation should verify the degree of hearing sensitivity.

Mental Health Diagnoses

As the impact of mental health diagnoses may change over time, recent documentation is preferred. It is most helpful when documentation includes the impact of the diagnosis and the impact of any prescribed psycho-tropic medications on academic performance, recommendations for specific learning strategies and academic support services, and other suggested resources.

Visual Impairment, Physical Disability, and Other Health Concerns

It is helpful when documentation includes a physician’s report on the etiology, evaluation, and prognosis of the disability. Students with disability of a fluctuating nature may benefit from having updated documentation every year, as additional resources may become available or be identified.