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High School Servant Leadership Program

The High School Servant Leadership program student representatives' portrait [JPG, 301.38 KB]

The High School Servant Leadership program consists of student representatives from more than 14 area high schools.  Each student learns leadership skills within a servant-first methodology.  Each participant participates in monthly Saturday morning meeting at Highland Community College in addition to leading individual, team, and regional based service projects.  These students go above and beyond in not only their own personal development but also for service to their fellow community members.

Click here for Servant Leadership Resources

Our Legacy

The College received a one-year grant from the Kellogg Foundation in the amount of $25,250.00 to begin the High School Servant Leadership Institute, to train high school juniors on the servant-leadership concept with an emphasis on community volunteerism. In 1997 each high school in the region was invited to participate and nominate 2 juniors to represent their school. To date, more than 2,000 high school students have participated from all 17 high schools in the College district. In 2003, the program received the Stephenson County Quality of Life Award. Program representatives have also been asked to present at the International Conference for Servant-Leadership in June 2004. This was the group’s second invitation to that conference.  The High School Servant Leadership program celebrated their 20th anniversary at Highland Community College in 2017.

For more information about the Servant Leadership Program or to support the student’s volunteer efforts, contact the program Coordinator Dan Dick.