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Updating Performance Goals in ADP

Cougar Corner

Updating Performance Goals in ADP

This spring, an online based performance review process was implemented in ADP for regular part-time and full-time classified, professional, and administrative employees. We are about halfway through the performance review year. To update the progress of goals set, please login ...

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Gender Neutral, Single Occupancy Restrooms

Highland Community College is committed to supporting the needs of all individuals. It is recognized that gender identity is an intrinsic part of each person’s identity and everyday life. Regarding restrooms, individuals may use the facilities that correspond with their gender ...

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September is National Preparedness Month

Did you know September is National Preparedness Month? While no one likes to imagine worst-case scenarios, it’s wise to plan ahead so you can handle emergencies confidently. Here’s how Highland can help you stay safe: Check out our campus emergency guide, which ...

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Online Tutorial: ONE Highland

A brief online module covering the key concepts of the ONE Highland culture shift has been created. For those who have not had the opportunity to attend a training session, you will automatically be assigned the module. If you are ...

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Election Day Holiday

The College will be closed on November 8, 2022 in observance of Election Day, a mandated state holiday.

Wellness Committee

Wellness Committee Did you know that sitting is considered the new smoking? People are more likely to succeed in their efforts to adopt healthier lifestyles – like exercising, quitting smoking, eating well – when they have a supportive environment in which ...

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Committee Spotlight: Policy Review Committee (PRC)

Highland's policy review committee meets monthly (except during the summer) to evaluate the need for changes in the Policy Manual and recommend changes to the Board. The committee members are as follows: Jill Janssen, (Chair), Joani Bardell (Nursing/Allied Health, Natural ...

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Planned Retirement Program

At the June 28 Board meeting, the Board approved the Planned Retirement Program for full-time non-union classified, professional, and administrative employees. Under the program, eligible employees can submit an irrevocable letter of retirement to the Director, Human Resources up to ...

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