Compete for best costume! The top three costumes will win gift cards, and all participants are welcome to enjoy trick-or-treat candy. Must be present to win. Hosted by Student Senate.
What information about you can be kept private, and what cannot? What are careful digital privacy practices we could consider adopting? Join HCC librarians Michael Skwara and Laura Watson for a 50-minute hands-on workshop exploring the answers to these questions. Register for the workshop here.
What information about you can be kept private, and what cannot? What are careful digital privacy practices we could consider adopting? Join HCC librarians Michael Skwara and Laura Watson for a 50-minute hands-on workshop exploring the answers to these questions. Register for the workshop here.
Join Career Services for a preview of the upcoming Career Fair including an overview of Handshake and employers you can meet! Watch live from the HCC Instagram here!
Pack the gym with Student Senate for the women's (vs. South Suburban College) and men's (vs. Clarke University) basketball games! Senate members will be handing out free t-shirts to students while supplies last.
Meet with nearly 30 employers from across the Highland Community College district and discuss opportunities for your future! Register for the event and check out attending employers here! All are welcome to attend: Highland students, high school students, alumni and community members! Need help with your resume or interview skills before you attend? Contact Career […]
Now is the time to get connected! Join Highland Community College Early Childhood Education and the YMCA of Northwest Illinois for a Community Celebration! You'll have the opportunity to meet with ECE staff and mentors, HCC advisors, financial aid and admissions! We'll cover scholarships (like the full-ride ECACE scholarship) and get you registered at this […]
Very relevant to the chapters One Book One Highland readers are covering in November, "The Social Dilemma" explores the psychological and technical manipulation social media and technology companies use to addict users and predict and manipulate their actions. Pizza and pop will be served during the film. Runtime for this Netflix film is 94 minutes.
Join the Highland Global Taskforce Committee for a panel discussion on humanities, social justice, human rights and culture through the lens of history, business, languages, social sciences, pedagogy, theatre and literature. Get the Zoom™ link here.
Join the Highland Pride Club and Diversity Committee for a candlelight vigil and reading of the names of those who lost their lives in 2022. Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) was started in 1999 by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honor the memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was […]