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One Book One Highland Virtual Book Discussion: Chapter 3
Zoom™Join Brian Moore and Jim Yeager for a discussion of "What the Fact" chapter 3, "News, Noise, and Nonsense." Join the Zoom™ meeting here.
Board of Trustees Audit & Finance Committee Meeting
Robert J. Rimington Board Room (H-228)Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Robert J. Rimington Board Room (H-228)Kim Sigafus: Harvesting the Native Way
Ferguson Fine Arts Center TheatreJoin Ojibwa author and speaker Kim Sigafus for her presentation, Harvesting the Native Way. She will discuss how Native Americans traditionally planted, harvested, and stored foods. She will also include information on the four sacred medicines and their purposes. Sigafus is an internationally published and award-winning author across genres. She travels across the Midwest sharing […]
One Book One Highland Book Discussion: Chapter 3
H-206Join Brian Moore and Jim Yeager for a discussion of "What the Fact" chapter 3, "News, Noise, and Nonsense."
St. Anthony’s College of Nursing Visit
Cougar CafeIntervarsity (faith based student club)
H21011/16 - H208 12/4 - H201
Western Illinois University Visit
Cougar CafeHalloween Costume Contest
Cougar CafeCompete for best costume! The top three costumes will win gift cards, and all participants are welcome to enjoy trick-or-treat candy. Must be present to win. Hosted by Student Senate.
HCC Visual Arts Faculty Exhibit
Highland Gallery (F-48)The annual Visual Arts Faculty Exhibit showcases recent work by some of the current HCC faculty; Robert Apolloni (drawing, design and art appreciation), Alex Jansen (Graphic Design), and Dana Russell-Brown (Ceramics). The collection interweaves experience and methods across a diverse array of mediums and approaches, acting as a catalyst for the visual arts to promote […]
One Book One Highland: WTF?! Digital Privacy Workshop
Zoom™What information about you can be kept private, and what cannot? What are careful digital privacy practices we could consider adopting? Join HCC librarians Michael Skwara and Laura Watson for a 50-minute hands-on workshop exploring the answers to these questions. Register for the workshop here.