12 events found.
Reflections of Light: Christmas Around the World
Galena United Methodist Church 125 S. Bench St., Galena, ILJoin the Royal Scots and Chamber Singers for an evening of seasonal music from around the world and across time. Presented in the historic Galena United Methodist Church as part of Galena's Luminaria Night celebrations, concert goers will additionally be bathed in the lights from the sanctuary's 12 magnificent stained glass windows and immersed in the sounds […]
Advisor Walk Ins
Student Services H-116AAdvisor Walk Ins
Student Services H-116AIntervarsity (faith based student club)
H21011/16 - H208 12/4 - H201
Jingle & Craft
M lobbyDe-stress from finals with holiday themed crafts, games, and snacks.