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Human Resources

It is the mission of Human Resources to contribute to the achievement of the College’s mission by providing quality services for its most valuable resources – the employees and communities we serve.



Recent legislation no longer requires employers to automatically send 1095-C forms to employees. Effective for the 2024 year, 1095-C forms only need to be provided upon request. The 1095-C form is an annual statement describing the insurance coverage available to eligible (full-time) employees. 

  • If you enrolled in a health plan in the Marketplace, you may need the information in Part II of Form 1095-C to help determine your eligibility for the premium tax credit.
  • If you did not enroll in a health plan in the Marketplace, the information in Part II of your Form 1095-C is not relevant to you.

If you would like a copy of your 1095-C form, please contact Christie Lewis at 815/599-3609 or or 2998 W. Pearl City Rd., Freeport, IL 61032. Highland must provide the applicable Form by the later of (1) January 31, or (2) 30 days after the date of the request.

AED Demonstration Video

Click on the link below to access the AED demonstration video that was shared during the January 11, 2024 Opening Days session.

HCC Active Violence Preparedness Video

Click on the link below to view a video that was created in collaboration with the Stephenson County Sheriff’s Office on actions to take if active violence occurs on campus.  Highland Community College has adopted a philosophy on reaction to a violent situation on campus that we will no longer “lock down” but rather take steps outlined in the ALICE training and the HCC Active Violence Preparedness video.

HCC Active Violence Preparedness Video

Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act

While everyone should be concerned about child abuse and neglect, certain individuals are required by law to report suspected instances. These individuals are mandated reporters. In June 2012, the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA) was amended to include all personnel of higher education institutions as mandated reporters. Mandated reporters are required to report suspected child maltreatment immediately when they have “reasonable cause to believe” that a child (minor under the age of 18) known to them in their professional or official capacity may be an abused or neglected child (ANCRA Sec.4). This is done by calling the DCFS Hotline at 1-800-252-2873 or 1-800-25ABUSE. Learn more about the ANCRA requirements and procedures.

Requests for Special Accommodations in the Workplace

Title I of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination in employment and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. Highland
Community College strives to make its services and facilities accessible to all people. In compliance with this Act, employees who require special needs or “reasonable accommodations” in order to perform the essential functions of their job, or to enable them to “enjoy benefits and privileges of employment equal to those enjoyed by similarly situated non-disabled employees,” are encouraged to request such accommodations through their supervisor or the Human Resources Office, utilizing the
Employee Request for Reasonable Accommodation form [PDF, 224.14 KB].

Comments or suggestions on content of the Staff Portal? Contact Christie Lewis