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Clarence Mitchell Library and Natural Sciences & Mathematics Division at Highland present a Science Cafe

Highland Community College’s Clarence Mitchell Library and Natural Science & Mathematics Division are pleased to offer “Science Cafe: Bioremediation Technologies and Implementation Strategies” at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29.

Dr. Jim Mueller of Provectus Environmental Products, Inc. will introduce the topic of bioremediation and describe how bioremediation technologies have been developed and employed to remediate contaminated environments from local gas station releases to open-ocean releases of crude oil such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  There will be time for questions, answers and discussion of the topic at the end of the presentation.

Dr. Jim Mueller is the president of Provectus Environmental Products, Inc. where his work with bioremediation technologies focuses on environmental applications of antimethanogenic compounds.

The event is free and open to all audiences. The Clarence Mitchell Library is located on the second floor of the Marvin-Burt Liberal Arts Center at Highland Community College, 2998 W. Pearl City Road in Freeport. For more information, contact Laura Watson at 815.599.3456 or

2998 W. Pearl City Road
Freeport, IL 61032-9341

Fax 815-235-6130