Highland Community College Agriculture students recently participated in the National Post-Secondary Agriculture Students (PAS) Annual Conference March 13-16 at The Galt House in Louisville, Ky.
Eight students qualified to compete during the conference by placing at one of the two state-level contests held earlier in the year. PAS is a national student organization that provides opportunities for college agriculture students to experience individual growth, leadership and career preparation through competition and cooperative activities.
Congratulations to following Highland Agriculture students that competed at the national conference.
– Floriculture Specialist Team of Michelle Johnson (Stillman Valley) and Drew Groezinger (Stockton) finished in second place. Individually Drew Groezinger earned a second place and Michelle Johnson finished in fifth place.
– Dairy Specialist Team consisting of Charlie Elliott (Dakota), Carli Reeverts (Winnebago), and Andrea Willing (Dakota), earned fourth place. Individually Charlie Elliott finished in eighth place.
– Drew Groezinger (Stockton), second place Floriculture Employment Interview
– Andrea Willing (Dakota), third Place in Dairy Production Employment Interview
– Stephanie Nadig (Stockton), fifth place in Career Progress: Ruminant Animal Systems
– Aaron Ackerman (Pecatonica), fifth Place in AG Sales Presentation
– Olivia Kepner (Stockton), tenth place in Career Planning: Non-Ruminant Animal Systems
The Highland Agriculture Department would like to thank the State Bank of Freeport for their continued sponsorship of the Highland AG Club, The Growmark Community College Fund for helping sponsor our trip to the National PAS Conference, as well as our area high school agriculture programs and instructors who inspire our students to pursue their passion for agriculture.
To learn more about the HCC Agriculture Department please contact Justin Ebert justin.ebert@highland.edu or Monica Pierce monica.pierce@highland.edu.