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Students in need of transportation to campus have options for a small fee. Punch cards are available for purchase in the bookstore, students can use Pell funds to get a card.

Pretzel City Area Transit will take students to and from campus for $3 each way within Freeport. View Pretzel City Area Transit’s hours, scheduling, and more [PDF, 5.08 MB].

Carroll County Transit offers students more destinations but the ride must begin or end in Carroll County. For $2 one way and $1 per stop, students can ride with a reservation. To learn more about Carroll County Transit’s hours, reservations, and service area [PDF, 1.42 MB].

Jo Daviess County Transit will bring students to and from Highland’s campus for $1 per one-way ride. Passengers can call 815-777-8088 at least 24 hours in advance, Monday-Friday to schedule a ride between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.