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Employee COVID-19 Reporting Protocol

Cougar Corner

Employee COVID-19 Reporting Protocol

HR Cougar Corner Below is information on the protocol to follow if you test positive for COVID-19 or have risk contact/close contact with someone who tests positive or has symptoms. If you have:1. Been in high risk contact with someone who ...

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Flexible Spending Plan Reminder

HR Cougar Corner Flexible Spending Reimbursement ReminderAs discussed in the open enrollment meetings, the flexible spending will be administered by Benefit Wallet beginning on 7/1/2020. Medical and prescription claims incurred prior to 7/1/2020 and not covered under the health plan will ...

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Changes to SURS Self-Managed Plan/Addition of 457 Plan

HR Cougar Corner The Self-Managed Plan (SMP) will be changing its name and will be called the SURS Retirement Savings Plan.New investment options will be offered in the SURS Retirement Savings Plan including: A new default investment option: the SURS Lifetime ...

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Conversations on Diversity

HR Cougar Corner At Highland Community College, we welcome and respect persons of all races, gender, nationalities, identities and orientation. To provide an opportunity for open discussion, sharing and learning about diversity, social justice and racial concerns in America today, Chris ...

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Phase 4 Return to Work

HR Cougar Corner Phase 4 guidelines start on July 6 with some students returning to campus the week of July 13. On pay period beginning July 12 we will be back to normal pay practices. If an employee is not working ...

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Working from Home with Children

HR Cougar Corner As we continue to telecommute, and the school year ends, the stress of helping children with schoolwork has concluded, but many are still facing the challenge of caring for children while working. Of course, handling childcare depends largely ...

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Return to Work/Health and Safety Training

HR Cougar Corner As communicated last week, Highland will be implementing a return to work plan starting Monday, June 8. During Phase 3, employees are still encouraged to telecommute. Supervisors will determine minimum staffing needs on campus and will work with ...

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Resources for Working from Home

HR Cougar Corner As most of us go into our ninth week of telecommuting (!!), some employees have become pros at working from home. Some may have started out strong, but as the shelter-in-place continues, we find ourselves losing some of ...

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Cell Phone Phishing

HR Cougar Corner Other college campuses have reported receiving phishing emails, specifically seeking cell phone numbers. This is a change in tactic from the usual attempt of obtaining accounts and passwords.The Risk to YouAttackers could now attempt to steal your phone ...

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Vacation Carryover Extension

HR Cougar Corner As mentioned during the Campus Connection meeting, a recommendation is going for Board approval on May 21 to allow for additional time to use vacation balances. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most staff are working remotely, and with ...

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