12 events found.
Advisor Walk Ins
Student Services H-116AAdvisor Walk Ins
Student Services H-116AAdvisor Walk Ins
Student Services H-116AAdvisor Walk Ins
Student Services H-116AAdvisor Walk Ins
Student Services H-116AUW-Platteville Visit
Cougar CafeAdvisor Walk Ins
Student Services H-116AColumbus Day
Highland is closed in observance of Columbus Day.
Finger Printing
For more information contact Accurate Biometrics at www.accuratebiometrics.com
Midway Through Midterms
Cougar CafeCelebrate your midterm work and unwind! We'll have free snacks, games, music, manicures, and fidgets! Roary drop-in: 11 a.m. - noon Yoga: 12:15 - 12:45 p.m.
Support Staff Monthly Meeting
Student/Conference Center, Bldg H, Room H-201Kick-off meeting for the year. Includes potluck for International Students and presentation from United Way for HCC Workplace Campaign