12 events found.
Hot Cocoa Bar
M lobbyCareer Fair
Sports Complex/YMCACheck out local jobs at the Career Fair! A variety of employers from the stateline area will be present and eager to meet you and discuss your future. All are […]
Veterans Day Flag Ceremony
Flag polesJoin us in the middle of campus by the flag poles for a quick flag ceremony by Freeport NJROTC students. In honor of Veterans Day.
Advisor Walk Ins
Welcome Center H116Intervarsity Meetings (Christian based club)
H210Every student is invited to our weekly meetings where we read Scripture, pray for one another and connect/encourage one anotherhttps://www.intervarsity.org/about-us
Advisor Walk Ins
Welcome Center H116Advisor Walk Ins
Welcome Center H116Advisor Walk Ins
Welcome Center H116Big Band Fall Concert
Ferguson Fine Arts Center TheatreJoin us at this free concert!
Advisor Walk Ins
Welcome Center H116Advisor Walk Ins
Welcome Center H116Native American Heritage Month: The Tribes of Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin
H201Discover the rich history of the Native American tribes that inhabited our area during the 1700s and 1800s. This guest lecture will explore the lives, cultures and legacies of the […]