Online Student Complaints
Highland Community College strives to resolve student complaints in an expeditious and impartial manner. The College seeks to find positive resolutions to all student concerns. Students are urged to exhaust all possible College resolution policies and procedures before seeking resolutions externally.
Students who feel that they have a complaint that needs to be addressed should follow the process outlined in Highland’s Student Academic Complaint Policies and Procedures. [PDF, 796.14 KB] Questions regarding the complaint process should be directed to the Executive Vice President or Vice President of Student Development and Support Services.
Students residing out of state who have complaint which they believe has not been resolved through the Student Academic Complaint Policies and Procedures may contact the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) when seeking a resolution. View the ICCB’s complaint procedures. They may also register a complaint with the Illinois Board of Higher Education by following the instructions on their page found at
View the student academic complaint process [PDF, 796.14 KB].