4 events found.
One Book One Highland: WTF?! Digital Privacy Workshop
Clarence Mitchell LibraryWhat information about you can be kept private, and what cannot? What are careful digital privacy practices we could consider adopting? Join HCC librarians Michael Skwara and Laura Watson for […]
One Book One Highland: Mr. Moderow’s Mysteries!
Clarence Mitchell LibraryAs we kick off a semester of learning more about mis and disinformation, get your critical evaluation game on! For our first One Book One Highland event, Highland's own Adam […]
Intervarsity (faith based student club)
H21011/16 - H208 12/4 - H201
Jessica Harweger, BSN, RN, Breast Care Nurse Navigator & Bethany Harvey, X-ray and Mammography technologist
N-107 +1 moreJoin the Women+ in Science club for a presentation on patient care with breast cancer and prevention. Join on Zoom™ here. Jessica Harweger has a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing […]